Friday, May 22, 2009

It just keeps on growing!!!

And now we're at this point. Not sure what these things in the front are, but in the back is squash. Behind that are a few tomato plants and in front are carrots.

Don't worry. There's still plenty of time to kill them.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Well, wouldja look at that?

1. Turn soil
2. Make rows
3. Plant seeds
4. Cover seeds
5. Water
6. Sun
7. Water

Holy shit! It worked!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

On the catwalk. On the catwalk, yeah!

Don't know if you can see it from this angle, but I've got Vans on. Oh yeah, baby. Freakin' Vans. Daddy couldn't wear Vans because his deformed feet are too narrow. Only a matter of time before I get a skateboard. Maybe I'll kick their butt on Shaun White on the Wii first?

Now playing: Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oscar Watch Minus One

I haven't wanted to watch all five Oscar-nominated films in about 20 years. I've seen them all, except for Benjamin Button. Here are my quick reviews:

Frost/Nixon: Not bad. Michael
Sheen got shafted for a nomination. Probably works better in play form.
The Reader: Kate Winslet naked, Nazis. Probably works better in book form.
Milk: The documentary was better. Sean Penn, good as usual. James Franco very good.
Slumdog Millionaire: Wonderful, beautiful, uplifting. Deserves to win.

Review for TCCOBB to come this week.

Now playing: Todd Rundgren - It Takes Two to Tango (This Is for the Girls)
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

3 Songs To Start The Day

Morning All!

Went to see Emmylou Harris, Patty Griffin, Shawn Colvin, & Buddy Miller last night. Amazing show! I won't wax on about it, but here's a song that SC absolutely killed (in a good way)! Crappy crappy quality. Sorry.

Also read a short little article on Todd Rundgren, who mentioned XTC's Skylarking. Here's a little ditty from that record (No, it's not "Dear God")

Now, to commemorate yesterday's Bonnaroo lineup, here's a video by one of the artists. Free James Brown.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

50 Years On...

It still doesn't get much hotter than this:

Friday, January 23, 2009

So Long Old Friend...

I've come to an extremely painful decision.

Don't try to talk me out of it. I've thought it over for a long time and I'm going to go through with it.

I'm getting rid of my Myspace account.

For those of you that haven't heard, January 30th has been designated "Delete Your Myspace Account" Day. Don't ask me who made this day up because I don't know. I have fought doing this for such a long time and now the time has come.

O' Myspace!

You've been so very very good to me! I remember when I first heard about you and your wonderful social networkingness. June 10, 2005. My mom sent me an article in Business Week about a certain website that specialized in music. I checked it out, and immediately signed up. I friend requested Mom that very day. She was my first friend, and I don't think she's looked at Myspace since.

Without Myspace, I would have never gotten into this whole social networking thing, to which I'm now painfully addicted.

Without Myspace, I would have never heard, and subsequently loved, Lily Allen, Gnarls Barkley, M.I.A., or Rachel Fuller.

Without Myspace, "friend request" would never have entered my vocabulary (well, maybe).

It's not that I like Facebook more. Really it's not, and I don't. Like other users, we just found ourselves checking our Myspace accounts less and less. There have been other accounts deleted before you: Plurk, Xanga, Digg, Friend Feed. But I'll miss you most of all MySpace...

There are lots of things that I'll miss:

The music, the blog feature, the pointless surveys that people complete everyday. Not just "surveys," but THE SAME SURVEY. Over and over and over.

Oh sure. Facebook will eventually go away. There will always be something better, but there will never be a first again.

I just finished copying 52 pages of blog entries into a Word document. I had no idea that I wrote so much. I'll probably repost some of these blogs here.

I don't consider myself a follower (even though I am), so I'll be making the ultimate sacrifice today instead of on the 30th. Already going through withdrawal....

Now playing: Pink Floyd - Goodbye Cruel World
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Dog?

Big question? Will the Obamas choose the greatest dog ever, or will they go with a lame ass Labradoodle? Vote for the Portie, America!

Quote from Magic: "I'm thpecial. And hungry."